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With more than 10 years of experience Sara Wellness Clinic has been delivering exceptional care to the Peel region community. We work with you to improve your health.
Our services Includes:
Our friendly staff can help you book your appointments and our highly trained and experienced therapists will work with you to attain your health goals.
Excess fluids gather in the lymphatic system, which then moves around in the bloodstream, causing swelling. Physical therapists use Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) to reduce swelling and prevent future fluid buildup.
2. Sports InjuriesExcess fluids gather in the lymphatic system, which then moves around in the bloodstream, causing swelling. Physical therapists use Complete decongestive therapy (CDT) to reduce swelling and prevent future fluid buildup
3. Muscular DystrophyMuscles and skeleton degenerate and get progressively weakened owing to age or various disorders. This can be treated with mobility exercises and using supporting frames.
4. Back and Neck PainAcute pain that comes on suddenly or chronic back and neck pain that lasts for months or years restrict normal functioning. Physical therapy eases pain and improves mobility.
5. Limited Range of Motion (ROM)Acute pain that comes on suddenly or chronic back and neck pain that lasts for months or years restrict normal functioning. Physical therapy eases pain and improves mobility.
6. OsteoporosisThin and brittle, sponge-like bones have lots of holes inside them, causing them to break. Similarly, disabling fractures can be prevented with timely therapy.
7. VertigoDizziness or lightheadedness is a general and frequent complaint of many people, leading to dangerous falls. Since physical therapy improves balance, vertigo can be treated.
8. HeadachesMigraine and tension-type headaches can lead to severe head or neck injury. A proper plan of care can be implemented to increase neck mobility and strengthen the upper back muscles.
9. Carpal Tunnel SyndromeMigraine and tension-type headaches can lead to severe head or neck injury. A proper plan of care can be implemented to increase neck mobility and strengthen the upper back muscles.
10. Chronic Fatigue SyndromeThis complex disorder causes debilitating tiredness that cannot be improved with rest. Physical therapists, together with doctors, formulate a treatment plan with endurance training tasks.
11. Respiratory IssuesChronic bronchitis, as well as other respiratory disorders, can be treated with pulmonary rehabilitation plans by strengthening the lungs with diaphragmatic breathing tasks.
12. BurnsSevere burns and splinting can be treated with physical therapy in collaboration with a medical team to prevent unwanted scar tissue. For example, scar tissue massage will help regenerate healthy soft tissues such as muscles and tendons.
13. Joint ReplacementIn a similar manner, post-operative care for surgical removal and replacement of hip or knee joint with an artificial joint (prosthesis) will certainly provide adequate knee relief from pain.
14. Ankle sprainTwisting your ankle causes the ligaments that support it to get stretched and torn, leading to swollen and painful ankle. Moreover, ankle sprains can heal faster and you regain strength with good home exercises suggested by therapists.
15. Parkinson’s DiseaseThis neurological and progressive movement disorder causes chronic motor limitations and tremors. Similarly, it can be treated with physical therapy and resistance strength exercises.
16. Foot FractureA simple fall can lead to broken bones, closed, open, or compound fractures, as a result, your movement and independence will be affected. Depending on the severity of your pain and the fracture location, treatment will be prescribed.
17. Huntington’s DiseaseBoth voluntary and involuntary movements get affected by Huntington’s disease. Spasms, slurred speech, and unsteady gait are some of the common symptoms, which can be treated with physical therapy.
18. Knee Ligament InjuryBands of tissue on either side of the knee, known as ligaments, can be damaged with injuries occurring in contact sports or if hit strongly.
19. Pelvic Floor DysfunctionPelvic floor disorders, sexual problems, especially in women, can be treated by correcting the posture and lifting and carrying weights properly.
20. CancerCancer treatment may leave patients in severe pain and disability, which affects their quality of life. Managing the consequences of the type of cancer can be made possible when physical therapists identify and treat impairments.
From sports injuries to Parkinson’s disease, from vertigo to cancer, physical therapy can become crucial in the treatment of several medical conditions.
Massage therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs work with a wide variety of patients in the treatment of illness, injury, rehabilitation and disability.
Massage therapy can also be used as part of a preventative care program. This includes sports training, injury prevention, ongoing stress management and more!
Our osteopathic practitioner serves people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. We welcome people of all genders, cultures and traditions, providing a safe environment for all.
And much more. Let’s discuss some of the main benefits in more detail.
1. It Can Relieve Back PainBack pain is a common concern for many individuals, and it can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Whether it is a result of posture, injury, or another unknown reason, classical osteopathy offers treatment solutions. Treatment of back pain involves gentle manipulation of muscles and soft tissues, but also joints as well.
Even if you’re not suffering from back pain, classical osteopathy can be used as preventative medicine. Your osteopathic manual practitioner can use various techniques to diagnose potential areas of concern to ensure you remain pain-free in the future.
2. It Can Improve SleepIf you’re suffering from chronic pain or stress, you know how disastrous this can be for your sleep health. Sleep health is all about quantity and quality – getting enough sleep, and making sure the sleep you do get is restful.
Experiencing mental or physical discomfort can lead to a lack of proper sleep, which in turn can make your pain worse. By restoring your body’s natural healing mechanisms and ensuring your body is functioning properly, classical osteopathy may help naturally improve your sleep quality.
If you’re struggling with a sleep disorder such as insomnia, classical osteopathy can assist you in getting a good night’s sleep every night.
3. It Can Reduce Discomfort From Chronic IllnessesClassical osteopathy is not only used as a treatment for conditions involving your muscles and joints. It is also used to treat other chronic illnesses that affect various parts of your body.
Asthma and various digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome may benefit from classical osteopathic treatments. Classical osteopathy may also help relieve symptoms of arthritis by reducing inflammation and improving circulation.
Unlike other kinds of manual therapy, classical osteopathy affects more than your musculoskeletal system.
4. It Can Help Prevent InjuryPreventing future injuries can be just as important as dealing with existing ones. Your osteopathic manual therapy practitioner can work with you to determine what your body needs to stay healthy, which may include posture advice, various stretches, exercises, and stress reduction.
Classical osteopathy encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms, which can have positive effects such as reducing scars. Your body will thank you for catching potential injuries before they happen.
5. It Can Be RelaxingClassical osteopathy is known to reduce stress levels, leaving you relaxed and ready to take on the day. This relaxation may be shown through increased circulation and reduced blood pressure.
You may also find your stress levels are much lower following your treatment. This is because of classical osteopathy’s effects on your nerve supply and immune system, reducing tension and improving mood and energy levels.
You can speak with one of our staff to figure out what type of treatment will help you best.
Sara Canadian Academy is ready to provide the answers you need to move forward.
Request more information by emailing: info@saraca.ca or calling (905)-904-2032.